How to Identify Different Plastic Film from Burning?

Different types of plastic film, with different properties and states of burning flames. The common plastic film burning phenomenon refers to igniting a small piece of film with fire, observing the change of the nature and state, the difficulty of burning, the presence or absence of spontaneous combustion (whether the plastic film continues to burn after leaving the flame), odor, flame and smoke color phenomena after combustion, such as the color and state of the residue after combustion.

Polyethylene film, PE film is flammable and no spontaneous combustion, the upper part of the burning flame is yellow, the bottom parts is blue, with the smell of burning paraffin.

PVC film, is nonflammable and self-extinguishing. The burning flame color of PVC film is yellow and bottom shows green, with white and irritating smoke.

EVA film, is nonflammable like PVC film, and with yellow burning flame but some special smoke.

Polypropylene film, PP film is flammable and no spontaneous combustion. The burning flame of PP film is yellow color at the upper part and blue color at the bottom, meanwhile, with a small amount of black smoke, melting with petroleum small.

We POLYSAN company is profession plastic film factory for PVC film, with good quality self-extinguish performance, widely applicated in some fireproof working condition. 
